Of Course Trump Was Going to Win

If you couldn’t see that he was going to win 2024, then you don’t pay attention very well.
I just finished reading England’s Hidden Reverse by David Keenan, a look into the English occult and how bands like Nurse with Wound, Current 93 and Coil figured in. Well, it was more of just a history of those three projects. When it talks about David Tibet’s creation of Current 93’s song “Hitler as Kalki” released on their 1992 album Thunder Perfect Mind, it really struck me:
‘Hitler As Kalki’ explores the terrifying idea, first put forward by the Hindu social Darwinist, Holocaust denier and Hitler worshipper Svitri Devi Mukherji, that Hitler was in fact the final avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu, and the initiator of apocalypse. Devi interpreted the rise of the Nazis according to the cyclic understanding of history implicit in Hinduism, believing that the world is born in perfection before degenerating to destruction and initiating the cycle all over again… Just as Salvador Dali had dreamt of Hitler as Maldoror, Devi saw in Hitler echoes of Rama and Krishna, a warrior mystic who would free the world from the decadence of the Kali Yuga in a great cosmic battle and thus return the world to the perfection of its birth. For Devi, Judaism, capitalism and liberalism were signs of the endtimes. (p.295)
I always find the destruction mythologies interesting, the Sumerian (which the Jews and Christians stole) flood that destroyed the earth and wiped the slate clean. The thought that we are beyond saving and the only option is for complete annihilation in order to return to something perfect. It’s comforting to think of something like this, but mythology and reality rarely intersect.
I don’t think Trump is Hitler. I don’t think Trump’s second term will mean the end is nigh.
I think that a lot of Americans hate the Democrats so much that they don’t give a shit if they’re voting for a [insert group here]-hating nitwit who is obviously out for himself. Americans historically don’t give a shit about consequences as long as their own personal lives are bettered. Your sister will die because she can’t get medical care? Fuck it. I want a tax break. (I won’t get the tax break because I’m going to lose my job, but man does it feel good to be a part of this movement.)
I honestly don’t know where these Pollyannas come up with nonsense like Americans-are-decent-people-and-will-never-vote-for-someone-like-this. They’ve fucking done it 3 times now dumbasses. And if you’re butthurt about it, you’re just fucking stupid.
So cry, celebrate, do whatever. Remember that these are politicians. POLITICIANS. When the fuck are they ever to be trusted?
As trite as it sounds, all we can do is put one foot in front of the other. I am not privileged enough to worry too much about this. I’ve got bills to pay and a life to lead.