I will say “boobadooby” with my mouth full of blood.
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I went and saw Notorious C.H.O. last night with lotusblossum. She called me up last night and asked to “play”. So I went over to her apartment having no idea what we were going to do. After about 30 minutes of lulling around, we decide to get coffee on Santa Monica Blvd. Right when we pass the Nuart, I point to the movie and we were in (of course there was the obligatory parking search, but you get the jist of it).
Over, it is a funny movie. The only weird thing about it is that I am not used to watching stand-up performances on a screen. Besides that, it was an entertaining look into her forays into S/M, “Colon Hydrotherapy” and other bits of absurdity. If it’s playing anywhere near you, see it. Period.
Naturally, when I’m over at Lotusblossom’s place, I’m there until 1 or 2 in the morning. I’m surprised that I’m not as tired as I thought I would be. Oh! And her boyfriend noted that I’m a bitch after reading this journal. My only response is, “So?”
It seems my past is seeping back into my system. I have this urge to buy Industrial music again. I’m trying to find some good EBM to fill my head, but I just can’t stand the newer stuff (which is the reason I stopped listening in the first place). I checked out IndustrialnatioN and it looks like they’re determined to put out a new issue. Ha! It’s been almost 5 years since the last one… good luck!
What sucks is that I forgot to put my Skinny Puppy CDs in my bag this morning, so I am Skinny Puppy-less right now. Grrrrrr. But evidently they are reforming!!!!!!!!!!! And a tour next year!!!!!!!!!! My loins are tingling for that
Paint on Me Hands
I just got done painting. I started a piece called “I Bought a Ticket 2 Kapitalist Hell”. It’s coming along well, although I do need to buy some more red paint. But it was quite therapeutic painting along with Skinny Puppy. Damn they’re a good band.
Ooooh! That reminds me, I need to find some feathers or other textured items to add to the painting. Any suggestions?
The drudgery of work is hellish after a four-day weekend. I’m tired and my mind can’t focus on any one thing. AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH! Is it Friday yet?
Anyhow, I’m going to paint tonight with Skinny Puppy as my soundtrack (thanks to newromantic29‘s post). Mmmmm…. Skinny Puppy. Almost as good as sex.
BTW, after that aborted nookie on Friday, I had no outlet to release my desires (so to speak) since I was at a friend’s house. I had to wait ’til I got home on Saturday to do anything about it. Grrrrrr….
The Real Life Jerry Springer Show
So I made it to Santa Barbara and had a ball. I saw faces that I haven’t seen in months (actually almost a year in some cases!) which is really nice. The overall mood was that of hyperactive; I was just overstimulated from the amount of people present.
[skip to juicy part of story]
Friday night was a sort of housewarming BBQ for Skick. For some reason, my sexual preferences came out a lot during the BBQ, and Brandon would tease me saying how he could satisfy my “needs”. Of course I scoffed him — he’s straight!! How the hell would he be able to please me?!
So this line of teasing continued after we relocated to Raf’s apartment (so we could be loud and not arrested). With each successive encounter, the teasing between Brandon and I got more intense (probably due to the alcohol flowing in our systems) until finally he led me to the bedroom. All of the sudden, his tongue was in my mouth (how that could’ve happened, I don’t know).
Finally I felt teeth on my neck when the door opens (damn those doors with no locks!!!!!) His girlfriend Nicole walks in, sees us and runs away slamming the door on us. Oops! My first reaction was to laugh since this isn’t the first time this has happened to me.
Feeling guilty, I tell a couple of friends about my naughtiness in hopes to purge myself of this ickiness. I then learn that Brandon and Nicole are engaged.
This can only happen in my life.
On a more positive note, I met another gay indie punk rocker. I didn’t like him though