So my sickness has reached it climax today. I want someone desperately to rip out my sinuses and lungs. I don’t want them anymore. Perhaps I should sell them on EBay.
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I went to Borders and bought Anarchy by James Robert Baker, The Girl with Curious Hair by David Foster Wallace and a best of Burt Bachrach CD (as sung by the original artists!!!!!). I was going to buy a Carpenter’s CD, but none of the ones they had contained the songs I wanted.
Here at work, I’m doing the check run which SUCKS since we have no money. Who would’ve thought that $100K is not enough money?
I woke up at 6 am inexplicably this morning. I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I said “fuck it” and took a shower. It was nice not having to rush through things as I usually do. I made some coffee, listened to “Democracy Now!” on KPFK and did some reading. All in all, a fairly productive morning.
I think I’m going to head over to Borders during lunch and get some reading material. Any suggestions?
IT’S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!
So the mechanic called me and said the problem was with a couple of the sensors. So instead of it being $500 (like I expected), it’s only coming out to $150. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course with this bit of luck, there’s always something bad in the horizon. So here it is: I’m coming down with the cold. I feel the beginnings of it right in my sinus right now. Grrrrrrr…..
My Poor Car!!!!!!!
My car overheated on me this morning on my way to work. So it’s at the mechanics right now being pried and probed. I hope it doesn’t cost me too much. I mean, I’ve had this car for 8 years now. <sniff sniff> I DON’T WANT IT TO DIE!!!!!!!! But, alas, I have to think about getting a new car. That’s just what I need: a car note. Ugh. Oh well. I guess I should get used to owing money to “the man”.
Is it just me or is Rev. Al Sharpton just adorable? I just want to squeeze his cheeks. Just an observation….
I just got through Dennis Cooper’s new novel, My Loose Thread. It’s much like his other works but more cohesive. The same feelings are evoked… the bleakness, the torture, the obsession. The gaps between sentences are even more pronounced giving the mind something to torture itself with. All in all, a fun read for people who’ve experienced Cooper. For those of you who haven’t, don’t read it after a big meal.
It’s so hot I’m melting. Shit! I need red paint.
Personal Ad You’ll Never See
Seeking GM, 20-40, left-wing verging commie, into indie rock/hiphop, books and a good brewski. Smoker a plus.
I haven’t been in a sex chat room in ages. Maybe I’ll do that this weekend for kicks.
I bought new bedding the other day. I now have these really cool sky blue sheets that are faded with white. It’s soooo cool looking. I got around to laundry last night, so I washed those and put them on me bed. They’re so nice – it feel like a bit of heaven.
I was watching tv last night and they have that Kylie Minogue video in the ad for Bally’s. The only thing I think of when I see this is “Kylie Minogue Fans Don’t Masturbate (KMFDM)”. So I end up rolling on the floor from laughter and look like a maniacal mental defect. Bah.
It’s Friday!!!!!!!!!
So concludes my list of gripes for now. It’s payday so I’m really stoked!!!!! Thrift store raiding this weekend. Woo hoo!!!!