I’ve been feeling quite chipper in the morning lately. I don’t feel completely worn down or anything! I don’t know what to attribute this to, but I’ll take it. So the Sunset Junction Street Fair is this weekend and Sonic Youth and Mudhoney are performing Saturday night. Since I didn’t get tix for the El Rey shows for Sonic Youth, my ass is going to be there. Anyone wanna come?
Posts by :
I was on the phone with urbanemoney last night, and we both mentioned how we were planning on doing our websites red. So I got the graphic and design machine cranking and came up with the backbone of the site. It looks really nice and red. Very red. I’m thinking of doing different designs and have people choose the one they want for their browsing pleasure. AND it was the first time I used tables in a page and didn’t want to throw my computer out of the window! There’s always a first for everything.
Now the only thing I have to do is work on content.
I Dunno About This One
I generally don’t do the whole self-mutilation thing. But “I Wanna Be Yr Dog” is one of the greatest songs in the last 50 years. Really.
It is weird to be driving through drizzle in August. I’m used to heat smothering me in the confines of my car. But it’s been remarkably cool the last couple of days. Shit. I’m wearing a long-sleeved shirt today. It’s quite odd to say the least.
I was right. Getting my webpage up has motivated me to write some more. I have ideas a-brewin’. Mwahahhahha. My plans for world domination are coming into fruition. *using Mr. Burns’ voice* Excellent.
Everyone should get the new Milemarker EP. Tis nougatty goodness for your donut infested guts.
Tee hee
Last night I saw “24 Hour Party People” which was good. Except the camera was shaky and caused me to be a bit ill. But the guy who played Ian Curtis was a dead ringer. Quite eerie actually.
My transmission is going bonkers again. I really do need a new car. 218,000 is pushing it a bit far.
AND I finally updated my webpage today. I put several stories from my first zine which I never distributed since it was too… bleah. But if you want a copy, email me and I will send it to you via snail mail. What else? Nothing much. (I’m hoping by updating the page, it will get my ass motivated to do another zine. I already have shit ready for it. It’s just a matter of putting it together.)
From Indymedia.org
by David Schwartz • Thursday August 15, 2002 Thut 08:17 PM
Grassroots organization plans protest of attacks on constitutional freedoms for Ciitizenship Day, September 17, 2002.
My head is just spinning knowing that it’s Friday. Woo-fucking-hoo! *spins in circles in my chair*
I had dinner last night with lotusblossum and evildork and played Trivial Pursuit afterwards. Evildork ended up winning becuz he had an easy question at the end (although he will profusely deny it and say he kicked both of our asses). It’s all right since I can still kick both of their asses in Scrabble. Mmmmm…. Scrabble. *drools* Sidenote: Imelda Marcos’ shoe size is 8 1/2.
I’m still trying to like the new Sonic Youth album. It’s not working.