Left-over from last night: I used to listen to some weird music. On one of my tapes, there’s some electronic music that I couldn’t identify. It just added to the trippy effect of last night.
I’m bleagh right now. Anyone want to come out and play?
When I go to Coffee Cartel, I always cut across Palos Verdes, which is this hill that has uber-posh homes and lots of horses. So I’m driving to CC listening to a mix tape I made a few years ago since the CD player broke in my car. The song “The Box” was on by the Orbital, the wind was blowing my cigarette smoke back at me, and all of a sudden a feeling of contentment, ambivalence with a slight tinge of fear fills me. It was just one of those moments. Sorta like being on an empty highway in the middle of nowhere and listening to the Pixies in the middle of the night. Yeah.
I’m awake for some godawful reason. Oh yeah. It’s cuz I have to make a living. Funny of me to forget.
I did some painting last night. It’s very frustrating not having any drawing skills whatsoever because I have a lot of ideas but just can’t put them down via paint. After smoking myself to death, I came to the conclusion that this piece will have to be a collage of some sort. That way I can appropriate what I need. Yay art!
Friday night, my family celebrated Korean Thanksgiving at my uncle’s house. Since my grandmother was in Dallas visiting my aunt, she was absent which is weird since she is the Matriarch (with a capitol “M”). So her abscence made things a bit off. Nevertheless we had a good time for which I tended to a bottle of merlot. I was a bit too drunk to drive so my mom had to drive me home. Tee hee. I ended up passed out at 9pm. I’m such a winner.
Saturday, I finally got my transmission fluids flushed (which it needed badly). Went out with urbanemonkey and clan and had a pretty enjoyable time. Drove back home a bit stoned and had no energy all day long yesterday. Uy.
So now I’m really hyper and will probably annoy the piss out of all my coworkers. This is why I love my job. 🙂
It’s that time of the year: time to think about calendars!!!!! This year, I have the Adbusters calendar. Last year was Salvador Dali. So I need to go around looking for a nice one. This is probably one of my favorite things to be shopping for.
I think this will be a good weekend to go thrift store raiding.
I like incoherent words!
iieee. Right now my head hurts and I just want to be erased from existence. No, not as in kill myself, but just to go away for a while. I’ve sent my resumes off to 2 companies yesterday for a supervising position in Accounts Payable. I hope they fall for it. 🙂 I could use a change in environment. And I want to go drinking this weekend. Anyone up for it?