I feel like a bowl of antelope nipples. Discuss.
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Their new album has really grown on me. I’ve been listening to it all morning and practically the entire weekend.
Egh. I feel like a mack truck just ran me over. Yet, why am I at work? Eh.
I missed the Black Heart Procession shows. Thanks babaluma for posting pics. *sniffles* Now I know what I missed. *sniffles* But I did go see Bowling for Columbine. It was very funny. I’ve heard people complain that Michael Moore contradicts himself (read: LA Weekly), which is true. But who cares? I thought it was a good way to get people thinking about the causes of gun violence here in the States.
And Go Angels!
I Came Across This Several Years Ago.
Disseminate as you please.
I got home late last night from lotusblossum‘s and just crashed. So I’m running on sleep dep. Woo hoo! Haven’t done that in a while. And, I’m thinking about the conversation we had on sex last night and realizing I haven’t had kinky sex in such a long time. Ugh!
I am over at lotusblossum‘s place at the moment. She’s being a good teacher and writing up a test for her Algebra students. So I’ve been harassing her and trying to make her become unproductive. So far, I’m failing. But it’s ok. We’re seriously discussing football, computers and kinky sex. It’s such a nice mix.
Tomorrow’s Friday!!!!! *does a little dance* I really don’t want to go to work tomorrow. But gotta pay the bills. Ugh.
The mess of papers on my desk is slowly receding. I’ve gotten suppliers to write off money (fought with a couple of them even) and reconciled several problem accounts. I had a meeting with my bosslady yesterday regarding her attitude, etc. So everything’s good right now. Now I just have to finish everything. Argh.