This Just In!!!!
’21 Jump St.’ Leaps to Big Screen
’21 Jump St.’ Leaps to Big Screen
For a Monday, today isn’t half bad. It’s been brisk here– not too busy, not too boring. I know that won’t last though. By 4:00 it’ll be boring. Ugh.
I didn’t do much this weekend. I just did some reading, writing and cleaning. I’ve been doing my cleaning in sections so it’s not too horrendous. Today I’m aiming for the bottom shelf of my bookshelf. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some more books there when I’m through.
My overhaul of my website is going well. I’m trying to give it a sleeker look and figuring out what to do with it. I have a lot of shit in journals and my hard drive at home that I think I’m going to highlight there. It’ll come out ok. Hopefully.
I love 3-day workweeks.
This is completely stolen from newromantic23 who stole it from serriannen.
If you went crazy and decided to go on a mass killing spree, what song would you be listening to as you were pumping lead/tearing apart/stabbing your victims?
Pantera’s “Fucking Hostile”. The Kelley Deal 6000 version (more loungy) is also acceptable. ‘Nuff said.
Do you have a song that you can listen to that put you in a better mood than you were in prior to listening to the song?
The Pixies “Here Comes Your Man”. It’s my theme song!!!
What song is your “guilty pleasure”?
Madonna’s “Human Behavior”, Abba’s “Dancing Queen”. My justification: I’m gay.
Is there a song/songs that made you cry? What was it/were they?
“Joga” by Bjork, “Hallelujah” by Jeff Buckley.
Name an artist you like that would surprise people who think they know you.
I really like TLC.
Is there a song you could never get sick of?
“Never Let Me Down Again” by Depeche Mode
“Warsaw” by Joy Division/Warsaw
“Sex Jams II: Insect Incest” by Milemarker
“All Souls Day” by Unwound
“Love Buzz” by Nirvana
Is there a song or band that you won’t listen to because of the emotional turmoil that you’re reminded of that surrounded you when you did listen to that song or band?
Not really.
Describe one memory you have (off the top of your head) that surrounds a particular song, which will immediately pop into your head when you hear it, and name the song too.
“Smells like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana. As much as I can’t really listen to the song anymore, when I hear the riff, I’m taken back to the day I found out Kurt Cobain killed himself.
Name one CD you regret buying. Or owning.
I had a Mariah Carey obsession in junior high. That’s all I’ll divulge here.
Last but not least – Slap down lyrics from ONE song that would best describe you and/or your feelings in general. Note who it’s by, what song, and album.
“Unauthorized Autobiography” by Unwound on Repetition (Kill Rock Stars, 1996?)
journal entry number twenty, getting older, feeling meaner, thinking faster, getting even, making standards, faking answers,
can you rewrite history?
a conversation with myself, turning into something else, risking my security, losing my obscurity.
bored with my life, repetition, waiting for the situation, select problems impair decision, fearful living, nothing given,
can you rewrite history?
a conversation with myself, turning into something else, risking my security, losing my obscurity.
a conversation with myself, turning into something else, risking my security, losing my obscurity.
Hot hot hot. No I’m not quoting The Cure. It’s just been hot these last couple of days. I want all of that rain back. Especially since I bought new windshield wipers. I want to fucking use them. Grrr….
Um. I found that journal that was missing. It was buried in the trunk of my car. And let me tell you, there are some gems in there.
I don’t feel like figuring out how to get in onto my livejournal. I *heart* Joy Division and Ian Curtis.
ZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzzzz…. (and so on).
Was supposed to watch Gilmore Girls. Fell asleep.
Was supposed to hunt for lost journal. Fell asleep.
I really do need to stop playing on a school night. Raf came down from Santa Barbara for a seminar/training that was cancelled. He had his room paid for the night, so we hung out. Ate dinner at Lala’s, an Argentine place on Melrose. Mmm mmm good. Had coffee and went to urbanemonkey‘s for some talking. Went to sleep at 2am and here I am.
I really do need to visit Santa Barbara soon.