I’m getting a new car next month (’02 Toyota Camry. I know, don’t laugh), so I’m thinking about having a funeral for my current car (’87 Honda Accord w/ 222,000 miles). Any ideas?
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The server here at work was down yesterday so I got to go home at 10:30am!!!! So in essence, I got a 5-day weekend. Woo hoo!! Because of it, I have been completely swamped with work this morning. It’s all right though — better than being completely bored.
This weekend I bought Ladytron’s Light and Magic, The Liars They Threw Us in a Trench… and the Dischord Records 20th Anniversary box set (I couldn’t help it). It’s a whole bunch of sonic yummies.
I really don’t have anything much to say so I’ll stop now. Peace out y’all!
Turkey day went well. I got really drunk at my uncle’s house, so my mom had to drive me home. Tee hee. The only down side is that I don’t eat meat very often so I’m really constipated right now. Grrrrrr….
Anyhow, I’m at
I made a post about Thanksgiving in my family last year. It will be interesting to see what happens this year since there has been much more hostility in this past year. It should be a doozy. And you here will be the first to hear of it. Well, perhaps my friends here in the real world have priority. I do expect fireworks. Which reminds me, I should buy a bottle of wine for myself so I can be merry and laugh throughout the festivity.
Must buy CDs. Must buy office supplies. Must buy clothes. Must buy shoes. So many things, so little money. *sighs*
My Company’s Website
How cool. I guess. Eh.
PBS this weekend showed Josh Grobin in concert. I’ve heard so much hype on him in the past year. He’s just a Broadway musical singer hopeful who can’t act. Very uninspiring. Feh.
Beans! Beans! Beans!
I’m in a desperate search for recipes for green beans. I haven’t found any that I’ve liked yet. I guess I’ll just improvise. This means I need to buy green beans, onions, garlic and green onions. I don’t know what else I can add to this concoction. I don’t want to put in bacon because I’m vehemently opposed to it. *sighs* What’s a boy to do?