Night of Destruction
Saturday was a night for destruction, and the Night of Destruction in Irwindale was the place for Yobo, Staci and me. But I didn’t know just how personally it would hit me.
We agreed to meet up at Yobo’s in Silverlake at 5:30. Before I leave my place at 4:30, I decide to check my mail. In my hands are my phone, iPod, water bottle and keys. One piece of mail looked like it was urgent, so I decided to open the letter while walking. And right there my phone slipped out of my hands and hit the sidewalk.
*sigh* Fine. I can deal with a crack in the glass. It’s no big deal. It sucks, but I can’t really cry over something that was caused by my own idiocy. Sure it’s a Galaxy S7, but whatever. Those sorts of things don’t bother me too much.
I get in my car and get ready to text Yobo saying I’m on my way when
The phone won’t turn on.
This means I need to get a new phone, and I’m going to be late meeting up with them. But of course I can’t text them to let them know I’m late.
First things first, must go to the Verizon store to get new phone. After 45 minutes, I get in my car with a Galaxy S8. All in all things could have been worse.
It’s just before 7 by the time we get to Irwindale which is when the festivities start — so we made it on time while I spent most of the car ride over there downloading and installing my apps.
It’s amazing that in my nearly 40 years on this earth, I have never been to anything like this despite my redneck heritage. What I imagined were a bunch of monster trucks running over cars, fire-breathing metal dinosaurs destroying everything in their paths. But here what I got were a bunch of mainly motorcycle races climaxing with an exhilarating destructive trailer race.
The one race that was really compelling was the figure-eight race which went as you could imagine it went.
After a Demolition Race where a bunch of cars just rammed into each other until one car was left running, there was the trailer race. Here are the participants before the race started:
You can see that the cars were towing boats, campers and even jets skis.
Here is what things looked like about 3/4 of the way through it:
Though it was quite as destructive as I wanted, it was still fun nonetheless.
Afterwards we went to Glendora to Donut Man for the delectable strawberry donut. It’s shocking both Yobo and Staci had never been. But it was great, and that little bit of sweetness was nice to balance the destruction.

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