Bonsoir Baton Rouge!

- Buc-ee’s. We saw signs of it coming in and out of San Antonio. One of them talked about Beaver nuggets. Another talked about the best jerky. So past San Antonio in Luling, TX was Buc-ee’s. It was an extravaganza of a store that could only be appropriate in Texas. Jerky, snacks, bbq, hunting equipment, gift shop. It was a huge orgy of crap. Gifts were almost bought and could still be bought as we head back. I haven’t decided yet.
- Fuck Texas drivers. Signs on the interstate clearly say that the left lane is for passing only, made especially for the fucking idiots who don’t know this rule of driving etiquette already. So why did we still encounter cars going 60 mph even thought the speed limit is 80 mph? Oh. THE SPEED LIMIT ON THE OPEN ROAD IS 80 MPH IN TEXAS!!!!!. Talk about burying the lede.
- Texas lasts forever. 883 miles on the I-10 through Texas. And boy do the Texans love themselves. “Don’t mess with Texas,” the slogan reads. Fuck them. I messed with them all right, and boy were they sorry. By the way, Pepe’s in Ozona, TX rocks. If I were forced to live in Podunkville, Bumblefuck and could choose a town to live in, it would be Ozona, TX.
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