I’m a Fucking Idiot: Chain Bookstore Edition

Proust I should have known better. I went to a chain bookstore in Torrance that rhymes with Narnes and Boble. They usually have my favoritest magazine in the world stocked: Arena Homme +. Of course since the birth of someone’s god is right around the corner, people are packed in the parking lot trying to position themselves for the best parking space possible. Never mind that in doing so they create a traffic jam while unwitting drivers like me who just want a place to park no matter how far (since we acknowledge that we need what little exercise we get in walking 1,000 feet versus 50 feet) was trying to hold in urine before exploding into a mess right there in the parking lot. Anyhow going into the store and using the bathroom, I found that they didn’t have my magazine. Oh well, I thought. No big deal. I traveled through the stacks and notice the children’s section expanded while the literature section shrunk. I couldn’t find the biography and sociology sections, and the philosophy section was poorly stocked and filled with titles like The Philosophy of The Sopranos. Ugh. Since I’m reading Proust right now, I wanted to see what they had in the way of Proust. See the picture above. Three. Count them, three copies of Swann’s Way and that’s it. That was shocking to my delicate composition. But don’t worry, they had that Snooki book. But like I said, I should have known better. My expectations of humanity are usually very, very low. But on the rare occasion I have one, I always end up disappointed and bitter. So here’s hoping for that nuke to hit.

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