I Have So Much To Say

Dodger Stadium It’s been a busy week or so, and I do have a lot to write about here. But I can’t seem to concentrate my thoughts right now. There are:
  • The guided tour of the Portuguese Bend Landslide area in Palos Verdes.
  • Meeting Hello Kitty in person.
  • Some thoughts about covering sports.
  • My nightmare at the Rose Bowl.
  • Being sick.
But I’m still coming off of my sickness, I have 5,000,000 sports-related shit I have to write and I really want to just chill for a bit. So here’s this photo. This is the last view I had of Dodger Stadium this season from my seat in the press box. Like Matt Kemp told me when I asked him to describe his season, for me it was “bittersweet.” But I’ll expand on that later.

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