Ocean Trails Ecological Preserve

I decided to take a quick little jaunt to the Ocean Trails Ecological Preserve this morning. After watching tons of college football yesterday, I was feeling a bit sedentary to say the very least. Overall it’s an easy jaunt. After parking right where Palos Verdes Drive South turns into 25th Street there’s a trailhead clearly visible. Head towards the ocean, hook a right at the edge of the cliff and you’re off. There is a nice little vista with benches to look at the scenery. From there is where things get difficult. Continuing along the trail, there are stairs lined with cacti. Up and up and up and my chest was burning going up and up and up those stairs. [nggallery id=”4″] But that’s the only real challenge. No big whoop. Whenever I go on these jaunts, I always stupidly imagine the man of my dreams to just stumble into me. Instead there are old men trying to keep active and women what I imagine escaping from their men for a little bit. Like I said, it’s stupid. The trail goes on behind Trump National Golf Club — a blight on the serenity of nature however contrived it may be. I eventually turned around and went back to the car. One thing that was a bit troublesome were the cacti lining the trails. Being a bit of a klutz, I was paranoid about falling into the bed of cacti. Fortunately it never happened, but it was something that weighed heavily on my mind.

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