Honda Goes Crashy
Picking up my grandmother from the acupuncturist this afternoon, there was a crumpled beige late-model Honda Accord in the other end of the parking lot complete with a firetruck, ambulance and a couple of police cars attending to the situation. Evidently the driver, an elderly Korean woman, pulled up to a parking spot, hit the accelerator instead of the brakes and crashed through a store littering the ground with broken glass.
She freaked out and tried to make a run for it, but as she backed up she hit a wall. Still freaked out she put the car in drive and instead of going through the exit missed her mark and went through a planter and into a barrier gate where the car remained.
I walked into the acupuncturist’s office and my grandmother told me that the elderly should have their drivers licenses revoked. I told her the scariest thing is that the driver is Korean. She laughed.