What I’ve Been Doing This Month

It’s been a period of readjustment for me in the last month. To tell the truth I’m still trying to readjust to things. The new job is great. It’s been very hectic and chaotic at work. I realize now that I really must have been restless and bored at my last job since I’ve had absolutely no time to check blogs, emails or what not. So in the blogosphere I am a bit out of touch. I know just enough that LAist has a new editor Zach, but that’s about it. But the biggest thing I haven’t really adjusted to is the commute. See I used to commute to Burbank which took all of 15-30 minutes. Now I’m going to West LA from Los Feliz which although is only 18 miles takes one hour in the morning and 90 minutes in the evening during normal conditions (ie no accidents). That means no time for the gym for me yet. Good thing though is my employer is going to partially subsidize the cost of membership at Bodies in Motion which is in the next building over. I think that will work out quite nicely since right now I feel like an ever expanding blob. Speaking of superficiality, that’s another thing I have to change. Not being superficial. Oh no. That’s like asking me to cut out my frontal lobe. No, everyone at work is so polished. I’ve bitched before in all of the places I’ve worked at that people were just ugly. I went so far as asking the HR director at my last job to fire most of everyone and hire nice looking people. But at this place, everyone is cute. I’m not saying everyone is rail thin and have great fashion sense or anything, but everyone has that je ne sais quoi if you know what I mean. So I have to get my act together. But isn’t that what life is about?

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