I parked my car down the street coming home from the coffeeshop. On the radio, KPFK was playing an speech by Gore Vidal recorded in 1981. I stay in my car to listen for another couple of minutes when all of the sudden I hear water dripping on my car. My first thought was that the sprinklers in the condo complex started going off. Then I realize that this water is actually rain.
I run up the hill to my apartment and the rain slows. Just as I get comfortable pace going, it starts pouring even harder. My question I pose now is: what the fuck is going on? Why is it raining in Southern California right in the middle of the summer? Ok, so that’s two questions. Still. What the fucking fuck?!
That’s it. I’m reading A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn. It’s a great and lovely read. Eye opening to say the least. I know I try to keep up on some sort of truth behind the lies they tell us in school, but some of this stuff is outright revealatory.
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