So I know as well as anyone that my grandmother is a stone’s throw away from death. This started decades ago right after the Korean War. To make a long story short, they were searching for my grandfather for being a communist sympathizer, found my grandmother and tortured her instead. Because of the torture, her muscles have been atrophying(?) starting with her face. She’s been on many drugs to prevent the spread, but now they are becoming useless. So soon this is going to reach her heart and… well you can figure it out. Last night, she passed out in the bathroom as she was brushing her teeth. Fortunately she came to a few seconds later, but this looks like the end will be coming sooner rather than later. What upsets me the most about this whole situation is how my mom and aunts treat her. Sometimes I step in and get into shouting matches with them because, frankly, they treat her like shit. I mean, if my grandmother needs to go to market to buy milk, is it that difficult to take 15 minutes out of their lives to take her there? Anyhow, I just needed to get that out. In other news, my goiter itches!

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