I’m back from my cousin’s graduation. Orange County is STILL a hole. Perhaps I should update my little story on that. Ugh. If they take the houses and development shit away from Aliso Viejo, it would be a really pretty place. Too bad they had to destroy it with “civilization”. Anyhow, I just found out a friend from high school just got into grad school at Harvard. He will be getting his masters in education. I must say I am impressed considering who it is. This is probably the motivation I needed to get my ass back to school finally. Boop.
antonin ko
Magic Number10
PersonalityI’d Quite Like One
TemperamentAngry – At Everthing
SexualWhatever, Whenever, Whoever
Likely To WinA Free Coke
Me – In A WordGenius
Brought to you by MemeJack

It’s funny how right on that quiz was. Hehehehe.

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