Untitled (for now)

I’m lost in a maze of information kiosks Fully digitized and magnetized To its perplexing Galvanic function. Don’t kill me for still remembering Maxwell’s Equations Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Stoke’s Theorem. I’ve given those up like an aging model’s vices. Unconsciousness rears its ugly head While I burn effigies of Freud Smug in their bearded oracle stance. I don’t believe in Republicans Nor do I believe in Amerika Strking in their respective myths Their perspectives shifting wildly. Maybe I’ll be the bearded terrorist Mounting my bomb in a strange love Actually learning to love While destroying All precious bodily fluids. Who now to rise up Against injustices? Firsrt there were the anarchists Then the commies The hippies The punks Finally the terrorists And those politicians They’ll drive us into the neon cocoons Previously assigned by corrupt executives Oblivious accountants And multi-national coffee-electonics conglomerates. Will the afterlife be polluted with The chattering of cellphones Buzzing of inane weather conversations Humming of SUVs? In a yuppie’s wet dream perhaps. And do androids dream of electric sheep Or heterosexual men of testosterone tits? And when will I get the chance To scream my polluting ideas Blow cigarette smoke into the faces Of every evil mainstream trend And sit on every pretty boy’s face Defecating my disgust into their Seeming pure mouths. I can smell them now in their Tommy Sport cologne, A&F cumrag shirts Calvin Klein piss/shit encrusted boxer/briefs Pathogenic GAP Khakis (complete with swing dancers). No. All of these horrors I refuse To believe in. Now I will sit down at the coffeehouse Write these stupid words Listen to the inane chatter And read my book My only refuge from the Wasteland.

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